May 27th script

Drive folder.


My name is Oded Melamed, and I am the CEO and co-founder or Quantum Source.

In my presentation, I will provide a short overview about Quantum Source, the technology that we develop, that combines photonic and atomic qubits, and resolve one of the key bottlenecks of photonic quantum computation.


Quantum computing will have a significant impact on our economy. It is estimated that quantum computing could account for nearly $1.3 trillion in value by 2035, generating significant impact in domains like drug development, material science, automotive, and AI processing.


However, to unlock the full potential of quantum computing, we need large-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computers. By large-scale, I mean quantum computers with millions of qubits. The reason for the need for so many physical qubits is error correction. Qubits are analog elements and are noisy. To create a perfect qubit, a logical qubit with error-rate of 10^-15 or better, which is what is needed to execute meaningful computation, each so called perfect qubit must be encoded using 1,000-10,000 physical qubits. Let’s look at a few examples: To break RSA (2048), we need approximately 6,000 perfect qubits. Because of the need for error correction, that translates to about 30 million qubits. To run molecule simulation, we need approximately 1,000 perfect qubits that translates to 5,000 million qubits. The gap between current quantum computers to what is needed, is significant.


Let’s look at some of the leading technologies for quantum computers. The technology to build small quantum computers based on superconducting, trapped ions of neutral atoms is known. It is relatively simple to generate the qubits and generate the interaction between them. However, the size of those machines is not enough to support error-free large-scale computation, and there is no known clear path to scale those system to the millions of qubits regime.

On the other hand, the architecture of photonic quantum computer enables scalability to millions of qubits, however generating the basic building blocks, the photonic qubits, and the entangling gates is difficult, because photons do no interact with each other. Despite this challenge, photonics provides the best route to achieve large-scale, fault-tolerant, useful quantum computers. I hope that you all listened to the inspiring interview of Jeremy O’Brien, CEO of PsiQuantum. I truly believe that the world’s 1st large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer will be introduced by these guys.

Quantum Source solution is a new approach. We are blending the scalability strength of photons with the ease of entanglement of matter based qubits into a pioneering approach to quantum computing.

But before we dive into our solution, let's first understand the key challenge in photonic quantum computing—a challenge that Quantum Source is uniquely set to overcome.

Our Approach


In photonic quantum computing, the fuel of the system is small clusters of entangled photons, each with 10 to 20 photons.